楠本涼 / Ryo Kusumoto

ever since(2011-2012)

ever since

2011-2012 JPN

A village in Rikuzen Takata, Iwate Prefecture. I followed the two-years transition from about the 20th day after the Great East Japan Earthquake. Shelters rely on electricity, gas, water that is supplied from local government or carried-in. After completing the day's duty, they gather around a fire for night watch, giving thought to missing families, lost jobs and houses and the future with their children.

Collapsed households and iron frames are floating in far darkness. SDF ship light on the sea. For fear of the tsunami recurrence, people have to leave the land they love.

"I had lived with the sea and now the sea deprived everything of me. I have no words...”

The oyster farming, the main industry, requires the minimum three years, and the cost for facilities and maintenance reaches several dozen million yen. Now without fishing boats, even the seaweed farming that can be harvested in a single year need enormous workforces for sustainable reconstruction.

The needs of those seeking support differed widely by region and time. It was unreasonable to judge in the big category of East Japan in the name of "絆/the bonds" and "reconstruction". After moving into temporary housing, the point of view shifted from issues related to life directly to issues related to the quality of life, and media coverage had come to rest on the back of the campaign. People have come to know that it is impossible to distribute all good intentions fairly by the existence of houses, the magnitude of damage, and the number of lost things. This complexity seemed to make it difficult to understand each other even the slightest communication. That's why I thought that it was worthwhile to follow the focus on the life of one small area, not the state of the comprehensive reconstruction.

While interviewing things in the Tohoku area, I was rather made to think about my life. In fact, at that time people all over Japan could have the time completely to regain Initiative from the darkness of their future lives.

We should remember when the day in which the daily life that seeks speed and efficiency regains power and we are swayed by packed trains arrives. Not just the number of missing people, the number of collapses, the number of lost lives, there is definitely own life in an extension of that, and it is true that we will continue to face

life and death.

この地で生きる Posted on 2012/03/06


この地で生きる第2集 Posted on 2012/06/04

「善意の押しつけはいらない」 それは僕が東北で伺った最も印象深い言葉だった。2011年4月9日、陸前高田市気仙町の長部コミュニティセンターからの案内で、理髪ボランティアが避難所を・・・

三陸の味 Posted on 2012/04/17

太陽光と、河川から流れてくる豊かな栄養分に恵まれた環境。存分にその恩恵を受けながら、何年もの月日を経て素晴らしく大粒で美味しい牡蠣が出来る。「んめぇだろ?」 日に焼けた男らしい顔つきが・・・